“There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been Caregivers. Those who are Caregivers. Those who will be Caregivers, and those who will need a Caregiver.” Roslyn Carter
If you would get Covid tomorrow and would need to be supported by someone else, would you want that person to come into your life and take over....?
Caregiving vs. Care Partnering, why is the distinction important? It is the difference between doing to you and doing with you. Caring for someone is hard work, and if you take on the role of Caregiver it insinuates that you are there to take over and be in charge. It also implies that the care receiver takes more of a passive role in their care and the Caregiver takes on all the responsibilities. This is more of a one way street. It is hard and heavy on everyone.
Care Partnering however, insinuates the person supporting another person picks up where the other person leaves off. This is more of an inclusive two way street which means the person who needs care is still in charge of their own life. It is the difference between doing “with” vs doing “to”. It is the different between power over vs. power with... it is the difference between what is important “for” you vs. what is important “to” you...
If you think about your morning routine for instance, would anyone know what part of your routine is essential in your survival and the most important part for starting each day? It has been my experience through my travels is that Coffee... seems to be the #1 part of each persons day, which is awesome, but if we thought a little deeper, think about how you wake up...Are you a early riser or a late sleeper? Think about your bathroom routine and your bowel habits, do you get your poop on in the morning, and if you don’t what happens? What do you have for breakfast, what is your favorite coffee, do you do daily devotions, do you do morning chores? As Care Partners our job is to connect you to the things that are important, comfortable and familiar to you, the more information we have the better the support we can provide and the easier it is on everyone!
Most of us have insurance in place to ensure our most treasured possessions such as our cars and houses are covered in case of an emergency. We buy life insurance to ensure we don’t leave our families with a financial burden when we leave this world. We have Wills to make sure the stuff that is important to us, gets to those who are important to us. However, few of us have done anything to ensure that we will be taken care of while we are still living. It is like throwing the cards in the air and seeing where they land... I have created a way to ensure the support you get will be tailored to you. The “My Way Support Guide” will improve your quality of life, give you Peace of Mind. Reduce Care Partner frustration and burnout, strengthen connections and enhance relationships
I'm excited to announce the “My Way Support Guide” is now in electronic format!! It's a gift to your family and care team... This guide will help your family and care team support you and connect you to the things that are important to you when you can’t. Why should you invest in yourself? Do you want a Caregiver or a Care Partner? To get your guide go to www.mywaysupportguide.com And for more on this and many more Care Partnering Topics visit https://tinyurl.com/KrisieYoutube
For more information on what's going on here at Embrace, go to: https://www.embracingjourneys.com/upcomingevents and Thanks for Reading!!